Potential lifestyle and dietary supplement options for the prevention and postdiagnosis of bladder cancer.

Study: Schistosomiasis

Potential lifestyle and dietary supplement options for the prevention and postdiagnosis of bladder cancer.

Moyad MA
Urol Clin North Am 2002 Feb;29(1):31-48, viii

Apart from smoking, certain occupational exposures, and schistosomiasis, little is known about other potential lifestyle risk factors for bladder cancer. Other investigations thus far have also been important because of the large number of individuals who are diagnosed with this cancer that apparently have no known risk factors. Preventing the recurrence of bladder cancer has generated some interest because several preliminary trials have found that a combination dietary supplement of vitamins and minerals or a probiotic agent (Lactobacillus casei) may impact this outcome favorably. Advising patients on some of these lifestyle modifications is currently recommended because the majority of them are also currently recommended for cardiovascular disease reduction.

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