“Homocysteine and Vitamin B12 in Multiple Sclerosis”

Study: Multiple Sclerosis

“Homocysteine and Vitamin B12 in Multiple Sclerosis”

Baig, Shahid, M. and Qureshi, G. Ali, Biogenic Amines, 1995;11(6):479-485.

In evaluating CSF and blood levels in 16 multiple sclerosis patients between 20 and 63 years of age (12 females), it was found that the mean values of vitamin B12 in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid in MS patients were significantly lower than in healthy subjects. Mean homocysteine levels in the serum and CSF in multiple sclerosis patients were significantly higher as compared to healthy subjects. MS patients are particularly prone to vitamin B12 deficiency resulting in elevated homocysteine levels which seem to justify vitamin B6 and B12 therapy.

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